
Legal information

Editor of the site :

Private limited company with the authorized capital of 300.000€
SIREN : 338 484 587
RCS Sedan B 338 484 587
N° VAT : FR 58 338 484 587

Head office :

9 Rue des Marlis
08300 Acy Romance FRANCE
Phone : +33 3 24 38 25 38
E-Mail : exploitation@sotrami.com
Website : www.sotrami.com

Person in charge of the publication :

Mr. MILLER François

Contact of the shelterer of the site :

OVH SAS with the capital of 10.059.500€
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
N° VAT : FR 22 424 761 419
2 Rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France
Phone : 09 72 10 10 07

Intellectual property

The general structure, as well as the texts, photographs, logos, know-how and their working are the exclusive property of the company except for the brands, logos or contents pertaining to other companies partners.

Any reproduction, distribution, modification, adaptation or publication, even partial, of these various elements are strictly prohibited without written prior approval of Sotrami. This representation or reproduction, by some process that it is, constitutes a counterfeit sanctioned by the L.3335-2 articles and following of the Code of the intellectual property.

Personal data

The personal data collected on the site result from the voluntary communication of information via the various forms present on this site.

In accordance with the law of January 6th, 1978 relating to data processing, with the files and freedoms, you have a right of access, of modification, correction and suppression of the data concerning you.

Declaration with the CNIL

In accordance with the Data-processing Law and Freedoms, we inform you that the data processing in personal matter collected on this site is the object of a declaration CNIL N°1909270v0.

Applicable law

The use of this Web site is governed by the French law except for any other legislation.